Shrimp pasta
In all good Skopelos restaurants you will be happy to find the shrimp pasta dish on their menu. It is not a coincidence.
The mix of spaghetti with nutritious shrimp creates a healthy meal that boosts the body’s energy levels while offering a delicious Mediterranean taste.
Even though at first glance it looks as an easy-to-do recipe, it demands extra care and the chef’s personal touch in order for the ingredients to blend together nicely. If cooked well, this delicious choice offers a wide range of aromas that unfold magically the Mediterranean essence.
Read the recipe for Shrimp pasta below and discover how great Skopelos restaurants create this fine meal!
- In a large saucepan we cook the pasta for about 7 minutes.
- Meanwhile, in another saucepan we heat extra virgin olive oil over medium heat. We add the shrimp and a bit of garlic and cook for about 5 minutes. When the shrimp appear to have a fine red colour, we transfer them to a bowl.
- In a large pan we add some onions, green peppers, estragon, white wine and sour cream. We cook all ingredients for a few minutes, stirring occasionally.
- After the mix is ready, we transfer the shrimp to the pan and cook for a few minutes.
- When the shrimp mix is cooked, we place it on a plate, above the pasta, and serve it while hot.
Select pasta with shrimp –this super nutritious meal choice- for your next lunch, at one of Skopelos restaurants.
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