
A perfect treat for your perfect holidays to Skopelos!
Tiramisu is a coffee-flavoured dessert that although has its origins in Italy, is extremely popular in all Mediterranean region and especially in Greece. This happens because Greeks love coffee so much, thus every dessert that is made of it! So it is understandable that the secret for extra delicious
Tiramisu is the coffee you select to make it with. The most intriguing choice you will find in Skopelos restaurants is greek coffee, with extra strong flavor, that truly shines via the rest of Tiramisu ingredients. Homemade, with extra fresh ingredients and the chef’s personal creative touch, the local Tiramisu will definitely become one of your favourite choices for a dessert.
Read below our Tiramisu recipe and learn how sweet holidays to Skopelos can be!
- In a mixer we add icing sugar with sour cream.
- After the above ingredients mix together well, we add mascarpone and continue mixing them.
- At the same time we boil our syrup, adding to the casserole: water, 3 tablespoons of greek coffee and a tablespoon of brown sugar.
- In a baking tray we place the wafers, we add the syrup and then add the sour cream. Then we add another layer of wafers and repeat the process with the syrup and the sour cream.
- Finally we sprinkle the Tiramisu with cocoa.
Some people say that the world is sweeter after tasting Tiramisu. We could not agree more! Especially if you have the chance to taste it during your holidays to Skopelos!
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